Mommy Guilt and Smocked Clothes

One day at lunch, I jokingly told my coworkers that Maddox does not even like me that much. We were all discussing how kids responded when dropping them off at their schools or daycares. At that point, he basically did not care and would just keep on playing as I left. The next morning, when I left him at school, he screamed like a wild man. He has done that every morning for the past four weeks. When I leave the room to do, well, anything, he fusses. Enter Mommy guilt.

I know this is a normal phase that children go through at different stages. I stand outside of the classroom after I leave the room and he stops crying within a minute.  I just wish it did not have to be so incredibly dramatic. How long did it take your littles to get over this phase?

What I See When I Leave Every Day

On another note, I think I have developed a small obsession with children’s smocked clothing. Recently, Maddox became a brand enthusiast for Sugar Plum Smocks. They are creating some of the most adorable little outfits imaginable. We feel so lucky to be able to share these sweet outfits. Maddox even gets his own coupon code for 10% off to share with friends and family (MADDOX10 in case you were wondering). I also love the classic Glorimont and Bailey Boys. They usually have reversible outfits that end up being a really good deal!

How old is too old to continue our smock trend? I think never, but I’m sure there is a cutoff! It is just fun to find cute outfits for boys. I think the big box clothes stores focus more on female clothing (girl power!) and forget that not all mommas want to look at ninja turtles all day.

So, to conclude the randomness, what gives you mommy guilt and do you like smocked clothing for babies?? Let. Me. Know!